July 11, 2021 Salty Air Publishing Newsletter

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Outside Temperature: 69 °F
Outside Relative Humidity: 96%
Sunrise: 5:18 AM EDT
July 11, 2021 - Falmouth, MA
In this issue:
Out of the Woods - Troy Clarkson
Portable Generators & CO
Sea Howl Bookshop - Orleans, MA
Benjamin Bunny & the Rabbit Hole
PHR Books
PHR Work-in Progress
Merlin -
In the last newsletter I included a connection to an app from the Cornell Ornithology Laboratory called Merlin. I know the difference between a robin and a blue jay, but that's about as far as I go. And that's on the visual side of things.
When it comes to bird songs, I'm clueless. But this app solves that. It is very much like Shazam for bird songs. You press the button, hold up your phone, it records the bird call, and if it recognizes it, a picture of the bird and its name pops onto the screen! And if there is a bunch of birds debating and chatting where you are standing, it will identify multiples! It's like magic.

I need one of these things for people's names. Now that would truly be Merlin-like.  https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/

Stay well,
Paul H. Raymer

P.S there's more to this newsletter  - please keep reading.

Addiction is Hell! Addiction to anything is worse than any story about an evil genius trying to take over the world. Troy Clarkson had the consumate courage to admit that he was addicted to alcohol to the point where he retreated to the woods, taking with him "a blanket, a change of clothes, a book on Abraham Lincoln - because despite my journey to live in the woods I considered myself an intellectual - and six half pints of vodka. I was prepared to die there that day, and in the deepest, darkest, most fearful caverns that existed in my soul, the latter option appealed to me more."

As he said in the first line of the Forward of this book, "I came out of the woods to write this book. Literally."

The sub-title of the book is: 365 Ways to Not Be a Dung Beetle.  He explains that "The dung beetle exists for the sole purpose of carrying around the crap of others. It is a miserable existence. Don't be a dung beetle."

So he created this motivational compendium of daily words of encouragement - Out of the Woods. And since holidays are an especially difficult time, there is a section of the book that focuses just on that. Taking it one day at a time. There is no calendar attached to these words. It doesn't matter where you start, but what if the words of just one of these verses breaks the link to the addiction for a moment? You may not agree with all of them. It just takes one - and that can lead to another.

I don't have the skill to write a horror story to reflect the depths of addictive hell.
Portable Generators and CO

This is the time of year when wind pushes trees over and they fall across power lines and knock out the power. People don't like being without power because the food in the freezer melts and the air conditioners shut off and the house overheats.

To compensate, a portable generator gets dragged into the garage. It's common for the garage door to be left open when the gas engine on the generator is fired up. Gasoline engines produce a lot of nasty substances, one of which is carbon monoxide or CO. Gasoline engines need to run outside the house.

CO is odorless, colorless, and has about the same molecular weight as oxygen. It can follow the air currents into the house through any cracks and holes in the structure. If the pressure in the house is lower than the pressure in the garage, CO will get sucked into the house.

If there are battery operated CO alarms in the house and the batteries haven't been removed or died, when the level of CO reaches a deadly level, they will alert the occupants that they should leave the house.

CO alarms are just that: alarms. They are not monitors. They won't tell IF there is ANY carbon monoxide in the house. They will just set off their alarm if the CO has reached an alarming level - and it has been there for awhile. People die when they take the batteries out of their CO alarms.

One other fun fact: the sensors in CO alarms have only slightly longer longevity than the batteries. When you think it's time to change the batteries, go ahead and change the whole device. What's your life worth?

Check out the information from the Building America Solutions Center.
Sea Howl Bookshop - Orleans, MA

Sea Howl offers a thoughtfully curated selection of new books of all genres, along with a smaller number of used, vintage and out-of-print titles, and periodicals.

In addition to reading materials, Sea Howl stocks paper goods for the discerning writer and pen pal - including greeting cards, stationery and journals - and puzzles and games to keep brains happy.

46 Main Street, Orleans, MA 02653

VACCINE: We really need to kick this virus out of here. So we need to be vaccinated. If we don't eliminate all the places where it can hide and mutate, we may be dealing with this thing for years!  Here's the link to ABC News's vaccine resource site: PLAN YOUR VACCINE. Thank you.
Benjamin Bunny & the Rabbit Hole
The Noun Project is a huge collection of iconography for any type of communication - email newsletter, book, manuals, etc. "Icons and Photos for everything".

Promotional Graphic Design
BookBrush   This is another graphic design tool program that does ads, covers, mockup shots, trailers, and other stuff. Pricing is from free to $246/year.

Publishing & Promotional Services
PublishDrive - The website professes to do everything an indie author needs. Worth checking out, but no matter what way you go about publishing, you're going to have to do a lot of the work yourself.
PHR Books
Residential Ventilation Handbook V2
Recalculating Truth
Death at the Edge of the Diamond
Also available on-line and in fine bookshops.
PHR Work-in Progress
The new novel - Second Law - is getting ready to move into the third draft! Editing, editing, editing.
Limited time on signed, discounted copies of Death at the Edge of the Diamond. Sale ends July 17, 2021
Next Question: What is your favorite summer drink? Hit Reply to this message and let me know.
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Salty Air Publishing Newsletter is a free, bi-weekly newsletter from Paul H. Raymer that launched in 2020. More than 1,000 subscribers receive it. Knowing that you are giving me your time to read these words, it is my goal to be as interesting and helpful as possible.

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