August 22, 2021 Salty Air Publishing Newsletter

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Outside Temperature: 74 °F
Outside Relative Humidity: 91%
Sunrise: 5:56 AM EDT
August 22, 2021 - Falmouth, MA
In this issue:
Who's Lost?
Amazon Reviews
HVAC Filters
Nantucket Book Partners
Benjamin Bunny & The Rabbit Hole
PHR Books
PHR Work in-Progress
Your turn
Free Books!
Who's Lost? -

When I was about seven years old and living in Manhattan, my father took me to Central Park for an outing, and somehow we were separated. I don't remember the details of how that happened. Maybe I was following a squirrel or maybe my father was distracted by the mechanics of the Merry-Go-Round, but all of a sudden I found myself on my own.
This was a long time ago when the world seemed like a safer place—at least to a seven year old. My father might have felt differently. But it is remarkable to me that I don't remember having any concerns for my safety. Now, as a father, I would be panicking!
Another interesting thing about this situation is that when a policeman came up and asked me if I was lost, I informed him that I wasn't lost. My father was. I knew exactly where I was.
Somehow it seems like a much scarier world now than it was then. Maybe it is, and maybe it is just looking at this from an adult perspective. I remember my parents laughing about how clever I was, but maybe that is just my memory, and it was really nervous laughter. It was the spatial connection between me and my father that had broken. Not my location on the surface of the planet. It just depends on where you are standing.

Stay well and don't get lost,

Paul H. Raymer
Amazon Reviews

Amazon reviews and stars make a world of difference to fledgling authors like me. The world of Amazon is way more complex than I will ever be able to figure out, but I can tell you that both reviews and STARS are really important. The problem with this is that if a reader visits my Amazon book page, there are no clear instructions on how or where to post a review. In fact, Amazon places the “write a customer review” button right at the very bottom of the page, but how many people will scroll down the page to find it? It might shock you, but market statistics show that as little as 4% of visitors scroll right down to the bottom of a webpage on their desktop computers!

If you have read my book - Death at the Edge of the Diamond - and you have an Amazon account, you can click on this link. It will take you to your account, and then to a page to review my novel: I would be exceedingly grateful.
I got this information from The Unofficial Author's Guide to selling your book on Amazon by Richard McCartney. He has a lot more useful tips and tricks. If your book is listed on Amazon and you have the ASIN number try this: asin=B008XCM18Q (Just replace the Bourne Identity's ASIN number with yours.)

You can now simply click on how many stars to give the book in the” Overall rating”, write a short headline for the review, and then write your review in the field provided. That’s it. Your review is now in queue to be published on Amazon’s web store.

HVAC Filters

If your house has a conditioned air system, it will have a filter. Sometimes it is located in a return air grille and sometimes it is located right down there at the air handler. There was a time when the primary purpose of the filter was to protect the air handling equipment. It really didn't matter about the very fine particles that impact people.

Filters have become an important and increasingly complicated issue. Make sure you know where your filter is and how to change it. It is important for its effectiveness to make sure there is a tight cover over the filter slot. An uncovered filter slot will not only severely reduce the effectiveness of the filter, it will seriously degrade the performance of the system - especially if the system is located in the attic or basement/crawl space.

How often should you change your filter? It depends a lot on where you live. At a minimum every six months, but in many places, changing the filter monthly is a good idea particularly in these days of Covid 19.

How are filters rated? Filters are rated by their ability to catch the particles. You have to remember that the filter is in the air stream of the air handler which means that it will block some of the airflow. ASHRAE uses a MERV rating for testing filters. The higher the number  the better the filter is at catching smaller particles. A typical furnace filter will be MERV 6. A MERV 13 filter will get most of the the really small, PM 2.5 particles. 3M has their own rating system for their filters. Thicker, higher rated filters will do the best job. Just be sure that your system can handle the pressure.

Check out this information from the EPA: Air Cleaners and Air Filters in the Home | US EPA
Nantucket Book Partners
Mitchell's Book Corner & Nantucket Bookworks

Nantucket Book Works is a full-service, general interest bookstore packed with goodies. We have an extensive children’s room, card room, Young Adult section, and Nantucket Book section. Also, you never know what kind of eclectic sidelines might wind up in the store. Our mission is to surprise and delight our visitors on a daily basis!

We are located in downtown Nantucket, between the Jared Coffin House Inn and the Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant. Broad Street is the street straight up from the Steamship Authority dock, and is about 4 blocks parallel and to the North of Main Street.

Nantucket Bookworks | 25 Broad Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | (508) 228-4000 |

Benjamin Bunny & The Rabbit Hole
I want to recommend a book: Beyond the First Draft by Laurel Yourke. I listened to a session at the Cape Cod Writers Conference recently that Laurel Yourke delivered, and it messed me up! So I had to buy her book. The more I study writing, the more doors that open on new things to learn. It's very similar to building science.

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is a treasure trove of strange feelings. Velilichor is a strange wistfulness of used Bookshops. Monachopsis is the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. Words to live by. Books to write.

Writer Toolbox
I'm a little reluctant to mention this one since I haven't used it at all, but AutoCrit professes to be a complete on-line kit of all the tools a writer might need to get a book out there. Check it out and let me know what you think.
PHR Books
Residential Ventilation Handbook V2
Recalculating Truth
Death at the Edge of the Diamond
Also available on-line and in fine bookshops.
PHR Work in-Progress
Second Law is off at the Editors getting itself fancied-up. Then comes more work.
Your Turn: Did you watch the Olympics?
In my last issue I asked if you had watched the Olympics. What an event! With all the Covid 19 issues. It's too bad that this nasty disease couldn't be over so all the athletes could have had their family and fans there. Even if they didn't win, it was a success just to be there. Congratulations to all.
  • One reader said she watched the Water Polo events because that was her sport in college;
  • I saw a lot of the Olympics without really trying.  I enjoyed it. Much better to watch than the other news of the day;
  • Watching 12 and 13 year-olds win the skateboarding events was spectacular;
  • Molly Seidel was awesome in the marathon - in that heat;
  • Would like to have seen sailing and climbing events. Couldn't figure out where or how to tune in.
Next Question: What kind of flowers do you hang on your porch?
BookFunnel provides a means for a group of authors to get together and give away electronic copies of their books in return for adding subscribers to their mailing lists. I downloaded Five Knives from one of these. Some really good, readable books in these groups. And they're free!
Click for Free Books
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Salty Air Publishing Newsletter is a free, bi-weekly newsletter from Paul H. Raymer that launched in 2020. More than 1,000 subscribers receive it. Knowing that you are giving me your time to read these words, it is my goal to be as interesting and helpful as possible.

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